Monday, October 6, 2008

Fiends: fun pains

Well, here i go! i'm going to put feelings on the internet that i never thought i would.

i have had some problems with a girl that isn't really the best person to hang out with. we've known each other since i was 3 and she was 5. that is probably some of the reason why she hangs out with me. she doesn't always talk about the best thing s to be talked about, especially at our ages. she also disincudes certain people because of their popularity, family relations, how they dress, or how they were brought up. it's sad really because i kind of think she in denial. she says she joined something else because God told her to, but another time she told me that she would have stayed in our group if those "other girls" didn't come and "be horrible representations". that made extremely confused and mad. since she joined the other group, every one else who as in there before left mostly because of 1 girl. and that girl isn't bad at all. she just really wants a good friend who she can count on to help her in every circumstance. what this "friend" has done to my other friend makes me want to never, ever, ever see her in my life again.

that is how i feel. pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeee don't get mad at me for any of my feelings. Thanx!


Guinevere said...

I (and hopefully no one else) will ever be mad at you because of your feelings. Stuff like this IS really confusing and hard to work through. I'll be praying for you...and this other girl. ;o) Love you!

Ruthie Oberg said... sounds like your friend is really struggling with some things and it is affecting a lot of other people. I wonder if she knows how you feel?

Something like this happened to me in 8th grade. There was a girl in our junior high that everybody treated REALLY badly. She tried so hard to be "part of the group" and, really, she tried TOO hard and people just made fun of her even more. I started hanging out with her and would have her spend the weekend with us. One time we were out walking and we stopped at another friends house (a VERY cute boy whom I liked). He told me that I could come over anytime but not to ever bother to bring the other girl over there...she wasn't welcome.

That boy didn't seem so cute to me after that.

It's hard...especially when we wonder why everyone can't just learn to get along. Keep reaching out to both sets of friends...but if one doesn't have many friends at all she may need you more.

Don't try to hide your true don't always have to broadcast them or even obey what those feelings tell you but it's good to have places and people where you can just "let it all hang out" and know that they will still love you!

I love you!!!

Guinevere said...

Oh, and I'm praying for the girl who really needs a true friend. ;o)

The Lord has gifted you with a very sensitive heart and spirit. There aren't many girls your age who care about people like you do. You are a rare treasure! :o)

Pastor Ogre said...

It is always very frustrating to be around people who often compare themselves against other people and have a tendency to be critical. Pray for this friend to develop a heart for Christ that loves other unconditionaly. Even Jesus had to deal with these attitudes within the 12 disciples. Remember James & John? These "sons of thunder" wanted to call down fire from heaven on people who didn't like Jesus. They also wanted to stop some others from casting out demons in Jesus' name just because they weren't of the 12. Then they asked Jesus if they could have a special place in his kingdom at his side. For each of these scenes, the other 10 disciples got upset while Jesus gently corrected them and refocused their attitudes to God's greater kingdom and to put other first. Guess what happened? They changed for the better! James later became the first of the 12 to lose his life for Christ while John became known as "the disciple whom Jesus loved" and lived to be over 90 years old and constantly reminding his church "my children, love one another". As difficult as it often is, keep trying to be a peacemaker and reminding your friends to be like Jesus and to "love one another". "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9) I also know that you are a disciple "whom Jesus loves".