Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Guess what?! somebody from michigan and somebody from florida checked out my profile! i think it is pretty cool how people from all over the world can see what other people 1,000,000 miles away are doing. internet is soooooooooooooooooooo fascinating. 100 years ago i bet nobody would have never even dreamed about internet. or what the word even meant. now that kind of thing makes me feel waaaaaaaaaaaaay smart.

thanks for listening. or reading. whatever. by! :)vinnie just hurt himself and is drooling on me i think.

elisabeth oberg

1 comment:

Ruthie Oberg said...

You're right...I don't think that 100 years ago anybody would have imagined many of the things we have today.

Yet in some ways they were smarter than we are...they learned to build their own homes, grow their own food, make everything from what they had on hand, and set the stage for the invention of the things we have today.

I've often thought it will be neat to get to heaven and ask God to let me go back to different eras and see what life was really like. Wild idea, huh?