Tuesday, September 22, 2009

>:( (:<

hahaha! i like my title! well, my mom is now making me write a blog as one of my assignments for school. :P not quite sure if i like that. but anyways, i guess the most interesting thing in my life has been Chelsea Pope and Nick Worl's wedding. it was beautiful. i also got to see some of my friends that i haven't seen in awhile. the reception was the best though. we danced to alot of really kewl music. me and ariana, jamie, and hannah, cherith, and sometimes corrie and cassie danced to all of the music. my favorite songs they had would be the chicken dance and the hokey pokey. it was awesome! me and ariana danced to the slow songs which was really hard cause she's really tall and i'm really short. and aubry perky (perkey?) was there which was really kewl cause she's pretty much amazing! hahaha! and her brother d.j. was there. i guess that was kewl too. hahaha. and unfortunately we had to leave. :'( but i have to go take a shower and i my life hasn't been any interesting since then. well, unless you call park day interesting. i have that at 2:00 i think. well, bye!


Ruthie Oberg said...

Interesting title! I'm glad you had fun at the wedding. Weddings are an important event; it is when we come together to celebrate the joining of a man and a woman in the beautiful relationship that God gave us in marriage. YOU will be a beautiful bride one day, if it is in God's plan for you! You can invite all your friends to come dance at your wedding one day! :)

Elisabeth Oberg said...

i know! i will be the most beautiful bride ever! hahaha just kidding!