Thursday, February 5, 2009


bored bored bored. today is a day that will live in imfamty. Or something like that. I have no idea why I just said that. I don't even know what that last word means or how to say it. You know what really stinks though?? JR. HIGH BOYS. These boys (jak and Jo not really their names but I have to do this xp) can be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mean. If you do something, (anything) they will make fun of you for like, for ever. The jerks. And some other boys are starting to join in with them. I strongly STRONGLY dislke jr. high boys. well, on the positive note.... I HEART JESUS!!!!!!

1 comment:

Pastor Ogre said...

I know how you feel. I was once a Jr. High boy. I was a real jerk far too often. Please try to ignore them and pray for them when they act that way. Not all of them are bad, or not bad all the time. Try to get to know the real person as an individual, apart from their rowdy friends. I love you and hope you "keep your chin up"!