Friday, February 19, 2010

Speech XP

ok so today i had to give a speech in front of about 20 people. XP i didnt think i did that well but that was because i could feel my self shaking and hear me stutter and forget words. but other people said that i did really good! :) my speech was about relient k. they are one of the most amazing bands on earth! lol i was the fourth person to speak and there was like four more people after me. so it got reeeaaalllyyy boring reeeaaalllyyy fast. haha!
my favorite speech was jenifer haldeman's. it was hilarious! she talked about how she would tell her little brother things that werent really true but were hilarious. she told him that little blue people were in his head giving him his bad attitude and that to get rid of them you had to be alone and ask them politely to leave. so he went into his parents room where no one was there and jen said she could here him saying, " please little blue guys, please go. i want to be happy again!" it was really funny. she also made him believe that omaha moves. they were going to church and it was really foggy out and he wanted to know why it was talking so long to get there and she told him that it moved. he still believes her. :) i thought it was great that she made bryan (brian?) weaver believe that the little black things in bananas were spiders. :) i could see my sister telling me that when i was little and i would believe her but this guy was a senior. :))) life is great when you make stuff up. haha! :)
so after speech class my dad took me to taco bell! :DDD my dad is amazing! :) i <3 you daddy! :))) and later tonight the ellis family is coming here and they're going to sing at our church on Sunday! yay! some variety! lol :P
so that was basically my day. enjoy yours! :)

1 comment:

Ruthie Oberg said...

Hooray for variety! I can't wait to hear what kind of things Jen's little brother does to her when he gets bigger and realizes that she told him a bunch of lies. =)